IPlayItALot.com Steam Group

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See what CUSTOM Maps are on M1 & M2 - Custom Maps List

Objective Related (Dual messages below) - Say shortcut - Will auto display related Message based on Objective or Cache
55 = Checking perimeter/windows for hostiles...|| Checking perimeter around cache..
44 = *Testing Capture Point, Stepping IN then OUT || Planting/Readying explosives on Cache
33 = *STACK-UP for breach--<Neg> if NOT ready || *Prepare for Destruct--<Neg> if NOT ready
22 = *Breaching in 5-SECONDS <Neg> if NOT ready || *Blowing Cache in 5-SECONDS <Neg> if NOT ready
11 = *!!! BREACH BREACH BREACH !!! || *!!! FIRE IN THE HOLE !!!
00 = Capture Point is CLEAR - No Hostiles
99 = Capture Point is NOT CLEAR

ww = *GET OFF CAP POINT!!|| Team NOT ready! *Slow Down--DON'T BLOW THE CACHE!

Commander / Support Related
qq = *Calling-in Support--DO NOT ADVANCE!!
rr = *Setting up Support--Ready explosive, WAIT FOR MY ORDER TO BLOW

❓ help (!help) [command] → Show list of available commands → Examples: !help list, !help banid
📃 info (!info)→ Display Server Info → Example: !info
📊 gamemodeproperties (!gmp) [property name {new_value}] → Set or read gamemodeproperties (vars) → Example: !gmp minimumenemies 3, !gmp maximumenemies
🔒 botfixed (!bf) [2-60] → Set fixed bot count regardless of how many players are in game. → Examples: !bf 20, !bf 50
⚖ botscaled (!bs) [2-60] → Set fixed bot count in scaling mode - specified bot count describes full-server. → Example: !bs 6 36
💪 botdifficulty (!bd) [0-10] → Change bot difficulty level -- 0=easy, 10=difficult → Examples: !bd 5, !bd 10
☄ killfeed (!kf) on|ff → Turn on/off killfeed → Example: !kf off, !killfeed on
💥 friendlyfire (!ff) on|off → Enable/disable friendly-fire → Example: !ff off, !ff on
♻ roundrestart (!rr) [now] → Restart current round → Example: !rr now
⚡ reboot (!reboot) [now] → Reboot the server (everyone will be disconnected!) → Example: !reboot now
⛔ kick (!k) [partial-name] → Kick a player by partial name → Example: !k ober, !kick robert
⛔ ban (!b) [partial-name] → Perm-ban a player by partial name → Example: !b rob, !ban ert
⛔ banid (!bi) [SteamID64] → Perm-ban a player by SteamID64 - can be done after player signs off. → Example: !bi 76561123123123123, !banid 76561123123123123
⛔ ban (!b) [partial-name] → Perm-ban a player by partial name → Example: !b rob, !ban ert